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f/m corporal punishment art • f/m illustrated spanking stores • femdom digital art • cougar spankings • step mom spankings • femdom at school • femdom in prison

Depicting the thinly veiled sexuality of corporal punishment

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This site depicts fantasy (M/F, F/M, F/F) corporal punishment artwork erotica, and is for adults only. All renders are intended to depict persons at least 18 years of age. If you came here by mistake, or are not of legal age in the State or Country  in which you reside, please exit

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Female Authority Figure Corporal Punishment Art

In praise of older women 67 Girl's Night Out 65
Drop 'em A dose of the cane will set him straight A no nonsense Vice Principal 61
F/M excerpts from "Domestic Corporal Punishment on Trial" in Book 4 of the "Tales of Southern Corporal Punishment" published on Amazon March 26, 2023 59 She inspected her handiwork by lightly cupping one of his his tender bottom cheeks, which made him wince. And her lusty niece had the treat of watching Aunt Ethel welt his cute little backside while he danced to the tune of the riding crop.
Sydney as our main "Seasoned Woman" in Book 3: "Seasoned Women & the Discipline Center" published on Amazon August 10, 2022 These next 3 renders did not make it into the book, but they illustrate Sydney's fetish club role playing. 54 53
Sienna's fantasies from "Judicial Corporal Punishment F/M, F/F (Illustrated)" book published on Amazon May 8, 2022 51 50 49
Ladies rule in a small town court... (48) ... where justice is dispensed quickly and efficiently (47) Schoolboy paddling circa 1966 (46) Angry antebellum mistress whips a slave (45)
Domina (44) Cougar with a hairbrush 42 From Member's Area illustrated story:
F/M English Public School Caning (41)
The Switchin' : Now your backside is going to have a little meeting about that call I got from school today. (40) Maybe some nice red stripes across your ass will teach you to behave. (39) You bet I'll make his bottom squirm. (38) Ladies, justice will be served. (37)
I happen to know that that's involuntary. Rest assured, it won't get you out of what you have coming. (36) I'm going to paddle your cute little butt 'till it's red and raw. (35) From: "Cougar Metes Out a Switchin'", 22 renders/page story in Member's Area. (34) Teacher's Revenge (36)
Good Ol' Gal Whuppin' (32) 31 30 29
28 Customer Request (27) Customer Request (26) Member's Area preview
(from "The Governess" storyboard)
More Retro (24) 23 22 21
Wicked Cougar (20) 19 18 Members' area preview (17)
16 Fed up teacher (15) 14 How can we not love older women who are into it? (13)
F/M Victorian (12) F/M Domestic (11) from Member's area story (10) Retro Step Mom (9)
Prison Guard Practice (8) F/M Retro Caning (7) F/M Sorority Girls (6) F/M Prison Warden (5)
4 F/M Retro Step Mom (3) School Paddling (2)  

F/M Illustrated Stories

Prison Report

women prison guards


Town Comes up with Creative Way to Avoid Jail

women judge
women whipper


I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang

I was a fugitive from a chain gang

©Copyright Info
Any originator of Poser artifacts used within the products that were used to create these renders that wishes to be recognized or have their art deleted from this site, please email me.
Any literature excerpts used within this site whose owners wish to be recognized or have their work deleted from this site, please email me.
Any materials created by request and/or under contract will be the dual property of this site and the owner.